Liam Alexander Colman

Welcome to my site

Become a patron

Maintaining my websites and recording videos not only costs time, but money. If you do find any of my content useful or entertaining, please do consider becoming a patron on Patreon.
You can donate directly using PayPal. Any money made from my sites will go back in to them.

Follow me

I am most active on YouTube and Twitter, but do occasionally post to Instagram and Facebook. If you can’t support me monetarily, subscribing is the next best way of helping me out.

What I do

I have many irons in the fire. Besides writing for this site I have a German-speaking blog focussing on food and lifestyle, I have a photography website I infrequently upload photos to. I also write about the smart home application called Home Assistant, and I make videos for my YouTube channel. Follow any of the links below to see my work.


I regularly upload videos relating to photography and tech in general to my YouTube channel.

Home Assistant Guide

On Home Assistant Guide, I write about projects and news surrounding Home Assistant and smart home technology.

Lia & Liam

Lia & Liam is a food and adventure blog my better half and I launched in the autumn of 2016.

GeneratePress Guides

On GeneratePress Guides I share new, guides, and suggested plugins I use for my websites running WordPress.

Unraid Guides

Unraid Guides documents what I’ve learnt from working with the operating system with the hope of helping other users out.


I’m a passionate landscape photographer.

Read my blog


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About Liam Alexander Colman

I am a simple man with a passion for photography. Born and raised in the valleys of the Swiss Rheintal, and still finding it hard to escape, I spend most of my free time photographing the great outdoors. I am privileged to live in an area with diverse outdoors and drastic changes during all four seasons. After a youth obsessed with everything digital and seriously lacking non-artificial light, I started appreciating the forests and mountains that were blocked out by my shutters and have an urge to share the nicer sides of this planet with the world.

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My projects